Five Fold Ministries

We want you to feel connected at Soaring High Ministries; we are one body in Christ!

That connection happens as you get to know the people and are able to operate in your giftings, thereby making a difference in your life and in the lives of others. Please contact SHM, if you would like additional information about our ministries.

Pastoral Care

Our desire is to help shepherd the flock, share their joys and hurts, help lighten their burden and help in their struggles. Our goal is to open the scriptures and our hearts to help restore their faith, hope and joy. We know that life can be hard at times for everyone including Christians, so we want to be there to provide a listening ear and pastoral care, when needed.

SHM School of Ministry

Soaring High Ministries cares about your child’s relationship with God. We strive to provide a safe and fun place for them to encounter His presence. We believe in training this generation to become leaders, and to occupy every area of their lives for the Kingdom of God.

Praise & Worship Ministries

One of the core values at Soaring High Ministries is worship–using our every breath in whatever we do for God’s glory and purpose. We desire to equip our people to live a life of worship, wherever they live, work, study, play or shop.

Spirit Filled Hebraic Dance Team

Let them praise His name with dancing and make music to Him with Timbrel and Harp (Psalm 149:3)


We believe, based on Ephesians 4:11-16, that the Five-Fold Ministry (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers) is in full effect today.

That God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

That God, Jesus and Holy Spirit can never be fully explained to man’s satisfaction yet can be fully and totally EXPERIENCED by a willing and submissive heart. It is through the anointing of Holy Spirit and the death of Jesus, that we live, and move, and have our being.


In Matthew 10:40-42, Christ states, “Whoever receives a prophet, will receive a prophet’s reward. Whoever receives a righteous man, receives a righteous man’s reward.” What reward does the saint receive for embracing the ministry and impartation of each of these offices?

The Characteristics and subsequent rewards for the Christ anointing expressed through the five-fold cannot be defined and exhausted in such limited space. The following descriptions are but a few of the vast benefits of receiving Christ through the gifts given to man.


Apostles are spiritual fathers with a pioneering spirit. They provide an environment for raising sons and daughters. One anointed to govern, correct, discern, and give oversight to the life and work of the body of believers. Apostles see the big picture, the concept of the Kingdom.

Keywords: Govern, father, pioneer, architect, revelation, discernment, foundation

Reward: a well-governed and disciplined life, divine order, identity, and a pioneering spirit


Prophets give spiritual vision, direction, and interpretation. One who foretells. They are instrumental in showing a son and daughter what he or she can look like.

Keywords: Guide, seer, pointer, intercession, revelation

Reward: spiritual guidance, direction, and understanding, no wandering


Teachers are anointed to instruct and ground you in sound doctrine. In light of the apostolic foundation and prophetic purpose, the teacher is responsible for providing an incremental progression to the process of maturation as a son or daughter.

Keywords: Ground, instruct, incremental, mature, tutor

Reward: well-grounded in truth; not tossed to and fro, encouraged to take the next step


Pastors are anointed to shepherd the flock. One who nurtures, feeds, guides, and protects Yahweh’s people. Relative to the evolution of sonship, the pastor comes along side one for the purpose of encouragement, exhortation, and edifying through this transformation.

Keywords: Guard, nurture, feed, comfort, protect, compassionate, exhort, encourage

Reward: well-fed and cared for, protected, encouraged, edified, built-up


Evangelists are anointed to reach-out and gather. One who heralds the good news message of the Kingdom. They reach out to the lost and born again children introducing them to the revelation and possibility of sonship.

Keywords: Gather, herald, preach, proclaim

Reward: Impartation of evangelism, and awareness and love for people and their purpose.